You just bought a house, congratulations. There are now so many things you need to do before the big day when you can actually move in. One of your biggest projects is to plan and execute a big move. There will be planning, packing and a lot of sweat and hard work involved. In fact, it is probably what will be on your mind until you move and get settled in your new home.

But in the midst of all of this, you don’t want to forget about other considerations you need to deal with when you move. One of these considerations is what needs to be done once you have moved into your new home. Sure, unpacking and putting things away is going to be a priority, but there are other important things you need to get done.

For example, you will want to examine your new home closely to get to know it inside and out. This is a good opportunity to discover important things like where the main water shutoff valve is located.

Bostons Locksmith offers you this list of what you need to do when you move into your new home.

Locksmiths serving the boston area

Call Your Locksmith in Boston

You have no idea how many strangers have a key to what is now your home. The previous owners could have handed keys out like Halloween candy. So call us pronto and we can have all of your locks swapped out in a short time.

Check the Appliances

Make sure that all of your appliances are plugged in and properly working. The stove may have worked fine when you were touring the house before you bought it, but something could have happened in the meantime that needs to be dealt with. And any appliances you moved from your previous home may have been damaged. So it is a good idea to check everything out so you aren’t surprised by damage down the road.

Set Up Security

Home security will offer you peace of mind. So make sure that setting up home security and having the fire alarms up and working are a priority on your list of things to do.

Establish Sleeping Arrangements

You don’t want to find out at midnight that the bolts to your kid’s bed frame have been lost. You also don’t want to discover late at night that you can’t find the box with the pillows and blankets to your bed. What a bummer. For sake of a good night’s sleep, have your sleeping arrangements established early in the day so when you are exhausted after a day of moving, all you have to do is hop in bed.

Establish Internet

A few years ago, establishing an internet connection wasn’t such an important consideration. However, it is almost critical that you have internet connection these days. This is especially critical if you have a security system that works with your WiFi. You might also have an app that turns on your lights.

Discover the Main Water Valve

This is something you want to establish right away. You never know when a pipe could burst or somebody turns the kitchen faucets too tight and you get a big leak.

In addition to finding the main water valve, you will want to find the fuse box. If your fuse box is unlabeled, that is a project you will want to get on in the near future.

Childproof Your Home

If you just moved into your new house and you have a baby or toddler, you will need to get childproofing done fairly quickly.

Start the childproofing process in the room where your child will be spending most of their time, like their bedroom for example. Then make your way through the rest of the house to ensure that it is a safe environment for your child.

Tend to Your Pets

Dogs and cats might have a real tough time moving into a new space. Your dog might fall victim to separation anxiety and your cat might seem more angry than usual. It is important that you take the time to deal with their needs as well.

If you are in the process of moving into a new home, you should give Bostons Locksmith a call.

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